Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Handle for JK EDC Kephart in rosewoood Burl

The EDC Kephart is (if memory serves) 6.5" overall with a 3 " blade and 1" tall, it's about as perfect of a size to carry around with you as your can possibly get. It's also modeled on JK's signature knife, the larger JK Kephart.

I'm stealing this from Jk's website, hope he doesn't mind :)

 The Kephart being a very old and favored knife of Horace Kephart, the Great American woodsman and travel writer of Great Smoky Mountain fame. If not all, then most custom makers have a version of this knife. JK's best selling model if the Kephart last I checked.

From a  free source on interweb
This was my fourth handle and about the time I started to feel that maybe I could do an okay job at this

Finished picture:

How it begins:

It's make a nice "naked" knife if you ask me to

I've had the idea of an EDC (Every Day Carry) Kephart with burled wood and a mosaic pin for a while before I tried rehandling a knife at all. It was just one of those images that came to mind and got stored somewhere in my head. Being me I had to draw it out and alternatives. I'm ended up shooting for the middle fella (which I "cleverly covered in pens?):

I guess this is slightly better, I seem to get it pretty close anyhow:

I'm starting to feel repetitive going over each step so I'm going to skip around a  little here and show you all the pieces ready and waiting to be fitted.

Wantign a mosaic pin meant I had to wait a while because I had to special order it, there a little pricy and they don't give you much FYI:

In the mean time I played with staining the wood and...well...just playing

 : D

When it finally got here I, you know, sanded, affixed, sanded, and stuff, then i tried some polishing, not much, just doing some finer buffing with the linseed oil and some polishing compound

The Dremel was a gift from my wife, FYI, which I was grateful for because it makes a bunch of things a lot easier sometimes
I must have "got lucky" with the wood, it was of a very high standard, no mishaps with the burled nature of it (it was also stabilized, yay!)  and the finish that came out of it took hardly any more work then the usual several coast of linseed oil

 No gaps here : p

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, cause it's true, mostly, some mishaps and back tracking may have been left out of this version of the story, we'll never know, unless you join bladeforms - for free- , visit Jk's sub-form and track the original review down...whcih you won't do...will you? nah, nope and no, I'm safe, positive : p

Thanks for watching, reading, and such

more pictures of process

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